Zenith 7S363
The 1939 Zenith lineup introduced several important things to Zenith's radio. These had the 'radiorgan' tone controls to the left, and pushbuttons to the right. They also were the first year for Zenith's to have a tuning eye. Additionally, the chassis were painted bright gold starting in this year (prior years were copper, or, not painted at all). The 7S363, while a lower-end model, is probably Zenith's most beautiful cabinet design, with zebra wood, Australian walnut, and quilted maple inlays. This radio is the second of this model that I own, and is an earlier production than the other set. It has one less tube shield, cloth wiring to the tuning eye, and the cabinet was originally finished slightly differently. When I refinished it, I attempted to adhere to the way it was done originally.